DARIAH ELDAH working group meeting
Vanessa Hannesschläger  1@  , Walter Scholger  2, *@  , Koraljka Kuzman Šlogar  3, *@  
1 : Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
2 : University of Graz  (Uni Graz)  -  Website
8010, Universitätspl. 3, 8010 Graz -  Austria
3 : Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research  (IEF)  -  Website
Šubićeva 42, 10000 Zagreb -  Croatia
* : Corresponding author

The DARIAH Working Group ELDAH (Ethics and Legality in Digital Arts and Humanities) will meet for a working group meeting at the DARIAH annual event 2020 in Zagreb. Anyone is welcome to join this meeting to learn about the group and its activities; interested parties can also take a look at the ELDAH blog (https://eldah.hypotheses.org/) to get an overview of the group's many activities. 

At this meeting, the group would like to discuss the progress of the Consent Form Wizard project (CFW), plans for organizing a discussion forum at the DH2020 conference in Ottawa on the topic of “Global Copyright Laws, Knowledge Protection, and the Impact on Open Digital Humanities”, and other workshop and outreach activities in collaboration with other infrastructures and projects such as the CLARIN Legal Issues Committee (CLIC) and the SSHOC project.

The meeting will be organized by the working group co-chairs Koraljka Kuzman Šlogar (DARIAH-HR), Walter Scholger (CLARIAH-AT) and Vanessa Hannesschläger (CLARIAH-AT). We expect to have 25 to 30 participants for this meeting of a very active working group.


Preliminary agenda:

  • Welcome by the WG chairs

  • Introduction round

  • Presentation of Consent Form Wizard project (CFW)

  • Collection of questions and input for the discussion forum at the DH2020

  • Presentation of further planned activities in 2020 (workshops, webinars)

  • Brainstorming: Collection of ideas for activities in 2021

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