Designed as a hub to collect information on DH teaching activities across Europe and beyond and to increase the visibility of these teaching activities beyond the usual university networks, the DH Course Registry (DHCR) is a search platformthat allows users to access metadata about DH teaching activities. In the last years, we have made a lot of progress in terms of dissemination, e.g. holding the DH Course Registry Metadatathon, printing and distributing postcards etc., and in terms of technical development, e.g. API development. However, we encountered different challenges in these two areas, which we would like to discuss with you.
- Reaching out: Even though there were many dissemination activities going on centrally as well as on a national level regarding the DH Course Registry, there is a lack of a common dissemination strategy for it. The special challenge in the case of the DH Course Registry is that the registry does not have its own dissemination channels, except for the platform itself. Since it is too time-consuming to create new channels and make them known, it is more effective to create a strategy which uses the channels already established by CLARIN and DARIAH. Additionally, we would also consider and ultimately plan the use of the research infrastructures, their national nodes, the channels of the contributors etc. in an efficient and resourceful way.
In the WG Meeting, we would like to discuss these topics and explore how national CLARIN and DARIAH nodes and National Moderators can be involved more actively in dissemination campaigns. Furthermore, we would like to collect new ideas and explore how initiatives like the Call for contributions of the DIGHUM LAB Denmark can be used as an example for other countries.[1]
- Technical Development Roadmap:
Since the creation of the new front-end and API, the code structure has dramatically changed and the code quality was improved by a partial refactoring. Up to now, only maintenance of the platform is provided by CLARIN, while further development depends on limited project funding. For future platform development and continuation of the service, more actions need to be taken to improve code quality and maintainability.
In the meeting, we want to explore possibilities for contributions or involvement of additional personnel resources on the technical side. The envisioned dissemination strategies will require constant development of new features, further UI improvements and test coverage to keep up with growing demands and provide stable service.
Besides members of the WG (e.g. National Moderators), we also welcome everybody to the meeting who wants to contribute to the future development of the DH Course Registry, especially dissemination and technical experts.
[1] This work will be supported by the DARIAH WG Funding Call 2019/2020 in the “Reaching out: Dissemination Strategy and Planning for the DH Course Registry” Project